296 Herbert Macaulay Way, Sabo-Yaba, Lagos
Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 17:00
+234 1 448 9821; +234 703 000 9099

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you sure I can get all these benefits by paying just a token as premium for a whole year?

Yes. It is a simple application of the basic principles of insurance. We have some light users as well as heavy ones. These users create a pool of funds from which ALL enrollees benefit

What do I do if I run into problems at the hospital?

We have care-lines which are handled by professionals 24/7/365. You should call the HCI care-line numbers displayed on the back of your ID/validity card and you would be assisted as to how to solve the problem

Do you wait till I'm sick before you make the payment to the hospital?

No. We pay a pre-calculated amount of money on your behalf to the hospital every month, whether you visit the hospital or not.

Can I choose more than one hospital?

No. You can choose only one hospital on the scheme but in the case of an emergency, you are allowed to use any of the hospitals on the scheme.

Since I don't pay for registration or consultation at the hospital, how would the hospital know who I am?

Once you are registered with the scheme, your details would be sent to your hospital of choice. All they need to do is to confirm your identity with the details on your ID card

What happens to my premium if I or any of my family members don’t fall ill in the course of the year?

The premium forms part of the pool of funds from where everybody on the scheme benefits.

Does it mean that those on the higher plans get better services than those on the lower plans?

No. It only means that they get more benefits like Dental or Optical services, etc. The standard of care is the same across board.

How do I have access to healthcare if I'm transferred to another city?

You notify us via email and once this information gets to us, we effect the change to the new hospital of choice.

Can I have access to treatment if I fall ill outside my station?

Yes, you can. All you have to do is to call any of our customer care lines for assistance.

Are the benefit limits transferable?

No. The benefit limits are not transferable.

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